Despite Lexiters stating Brexit opens a unique political space to redesign the immigration system in an equitable way, there has been little to no imagination about what this would look like. (More…)
Julian Assange, the man who single-handedly exposed more US crimes than any other person on the planet, is now facing the full violent force of the empire’s revenge. He’s being made an example of. (More…)
Finally, after years of tease and denial, the unicorns are going public. These phenomenally valued firms, pumped up by venture capitalists (VCs), remained private for far longer than they did in previous startup manias, most notably the bubble of the late 1990s. That’s changing. (More…)
Lexit proponents have completely outsourced their thinking over the Irish border. As the hard Tory right and DUP seek to cleave Northern Ireland away from the all-Ireland and European regulatory space, the UK’s original sin in Ireland threatens to derail Brexit. (More…)
The UK should resist the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United States. But what should be done about the sexual assault claims in Sweden? (More…)
This has been the first time in the history of Israel that elections were held in conditions of war. On the eve of the elections, there was intensified military activity and there was great political tension. (More…)
President Donald Trump’s speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition in Las Vegas on 6 April had commentators wondering if a concerted effort by the right to increase Jewish votes for Trump in the next election would be successful. This hand-wringing happens every four years and little changes. (More…)
Shell-shocked by the Trump victory, European leaders have been captivated by the Mueller investigation into claims of Russian collusion. But it should be no surprise that the report fell short of expectations. (More…)
When a small group of University of Arizona students protested a visit by the US Border Patrol on March 19th, they used a confrontational approach developed by activists in the 1960s. Seeing that the officers were speaking to students in a classroom while dressed in uniform and carrying firearms, they began to loudly declaim their outrage, calling them the “Murder Patrol”, (More…)
When the US bombing of Iraq started in 2003, many people fled the country, including 18 Palestinian families who came to Gaza. This is the story of the Abo Obaid family, as told to me by one of the children, 21-year-old Rola. (More…)
The leaders of the main trade unions have become partners in capitalist restructuring in its globalist phase. When the Gilets Jaunes movement appears, it is immediately considered a troublemaker in the subtle game of giving and receiving between the partners of the “social cake”. Even those who only pick up the crumbs want to keep them at all costs. “Don’t touch the Grisbi” is the cry from the heart of union leaders in yellow vests. (More…)
Teeth have been gnashed and garments rent across the liberal world ever since the release of the special counsel’s report. For more than a year, American liberals had been living in hope and expectation that Robert Mueller would deliver unto them a magic bullet, a neatly packaged means of removing the stain on the national escutcheon that Mr. Trump represented. (More…)