We denounce the double day of the workers who, once they return home, take on household chores, but in the militant context, talk about a “double struggle”. The fight against patriarchy requires twice as much energy as other struggles because it requires fighting not only on the social front but also within political groups themselves. (More…)
Mr. President, whoever tries to understand the Palestinian refugee problem reaches for the true nature of tragedy. For 20 years. a just resolution of this problem has defied the best efforts of the United Nations as well as the individual efforts of many nations, including the United States. (More…)
Have you ever spent an entire dinner listening to your interlocutor, a friend (that goes without saying), explain how feminist he is? How much his fellow men are not. To detail all that should be done to advance the cause of women? All that women should do too, and better? His colleagues, especially, are so timid. And he’s so brave. (More…)
The flyers were everywhere. Posted to the walls of buildings throughout San Salvario, they described the death of a 19-year-old Arab woman, who was being chased by the immigration place. (More…)
Historically, anti-Semitism in France and Europe has its roots in the construction of a white and Christian European identity from which Jews are excluded. (More…)
“We changed the picture,” the Russian editor said over the messaging client from Brussels. “Jean is here, and he agrees. We substituted it for something more appropriate.” (More…)
Many still consider it an accident that Nazi ideology centred around antisemitism and that Nazi policy, consistently and uncompromisingly, aimed at the persecution and finally the extermination of the Jews. (More…)
More than 100 French artists, including the draughtsmen Willem and Tardi, Imhotep of the IAM group, the filmmaker Alain Guiraudie, the opera singer Marie Soubestre and the visual artist Ernest Pignon Ernest, have announced that they “will not go to Tel Aviv to launder the system of legal discrimination and exclusion that prevails against Palestinians in Israel, and (call) France Télévisions and the French delegation not to serve as a guarantee for the Israeli ” government. (More…)
In the fascist and semi-fascist countries, the militant students (a minority of the students everywhere) find support among the industrial and agrarian proletariat; in France and Italy, they have been able to obtain precarious (and passing!) aid from powerful leftist parties and unions; in West Germany and in the United States, they meet with the vociferous and often violent hostility of “the people” and of organised labour. (More…)
His rifle was pointed at a projection of Berlaymont, the European Commission HQ. “Is that the real thing?” I asked him. “I’m not telling, mate,” the reporter said, laughing. “You sort it out.” (More…)
The country soon found itself at the mercy of the revolutionary elements. The prime minister had promised much in the way of social reforms, and that he would cleanse the political life of the country. (More…)
The difficulty of determining Syria’s political boundaries is primarily due to the fact that Syria’s population is not an ethnic unit. Syrians are Arabs, Turks, Kurds, Greeks, Druses, Hebrews, Assyrians, Circassians, and people combining the blood of these various elements. (More…)