Author: Brownshirt Blues

Few Israeli governments make Israelis living abroad more embarrassed than those of Benjamin Netanyahu. Only concerned with appealing to his constituency, at home, and in America, both the premier and his representatives tend to fall flat outside their target audiences.

Nothing will stop Matteo Salvini. That is, if you read the European press, which, day in and day out, cites the Italian deputy premier’s high polling numbers. And, if they feel like adding insult to injury, his number of social media followers, too. Nevermind the veracity of his polling data, especially given the fact that reports have repeatedly indicated he buys social media followers. (More…)

They live for crime. Not the refugees accused of committing them, but Germany’s largest opposition party, Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). Repeatedly denigrating refugees as lawbreakers, a cursory reading of the party’s Twitter account reveals a problematic investment in breaking German law. The repetition of the anxiety reads like projection as much as it does fear. (More…)

Social media is theirs. Day in, day out, there is not a moment where news media do not remind you of their hegemony. Whether it’s Matteo Salvini or Donald Trump, the extreme right Tweets the hits, and all we can do is wait for them to completely take over. Even though, of course, the far-right is already in charge. It’s as though the press would like them to be more so. (More…)