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That evening in November, immediately after the promulgation of the “special laws,” several of us escaped arrest by taking refuge in a little villa in a suburb of Milan, recently rented by one of our comrades who was masquerading as a painter. (More…)

We’ve all seen it before. The parade of missiles through Tehran and the lockstep procession of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. (More…)

On April 4, 1978, a source whose reliability is unknown, advised he has had the gift of Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) since childhood and has been accurate in his perceptions a majority of the time. (More…)

Last year I was moderating a panel discussion on prison writing when I heard the phrase “system-impacted people” for the first time.  The panellist objected to my use of the term “prisoners” and preferred this substitute.  The term’s shift in responsibility is striking.  It indicts society for crime rather than acknowledge any element of individual responsibility.  (More…)

For me, to join the Party of Proletarian Revolution was not just a simple matter of signing up with a political organisation; it meant a conversion, a complete dedication. Those were still the days when to declare oneself a Socialist or a Communist was equivalent to throwing oneself to the winds, and meant breaking with one’s parents and not finding a job. (More…)

The burning of Notre Dame was an unequivocal tragedy. Seeing the flames slice the spire from its roof, the blaze appealed to our millennial sense of grief for cultural patrimony. Much more than a religious emblem, the cathedral denotes archetypal Parisian romance. It is a site that has evolved with us as we have remodelled ourselves through history. (More…)

I spent a term at the University of Washington as a teaching assistant in an undergraduate course on the history of the wars in Vietnam. It was outside my PhD research and an eye-opening experience. (More…)

Few Israeli governments make Israelis living abroad more embarrassed than those of Benjamin Netanyahu. Only concerned with appealing to his constituency, at home, and in America, both the premier and his representatives tend to fall flat outside their target audiences.

We denounce the double day of the workers who, once they return home, take on household chores, but in the militant context, talk about a “double struggle”. The fight against patriarchy requires twice as much energy as other struggles because it requires fighting not only on the social front but also within political groups themselves. (More…)

Mr. President, whoever tries to understand the Palestinian refugee problem reaches for the true nature of tragedy. For 20 years. a just resolution of this problem has defied the best efforts of the United Nations as well as the individual efforts of many nations, including the United States. (More…)

It’s hard to believe that Theresa May was once seen as Thatcher 2.0.

The British press would regularly say that May will run the country for the next 10 years. She barely made it to her third year.

On the other hand, it did feel like a decade. (More…)

I wrote somewhere, maybe here, that I always get nervous when I hear that Martyrdöd are about to release a record. I can still remember when I first heard their classic In Extremis (2005), a record which rocked me as hard as any crust record ever had. Ever since then I’ve been sort of waiting for them to drop off in quality. (More…)