There is something problematic about collapsing all non-cis gendered and trans people together, as a single phenomenon. Please don’t misunderstand me. I believe strongly in solidarity, people fighting alongside each other and advocating for each other. Not just splitting into groups, and fighting only for what personally affects us in our own lives. (More…)
Author: Dada SchlingDada Schling is a Queer activist, born and bred in East London to Jewish-Czech immigrants. She combines her nursing with a wide range of programmes for health-related social justice. Recently, Dada has been involved in anti-NHS privatisation and NHS workers' rights campaigns, the Beyond UKIP Cabaret, and anti-austerity actions.
Although some may say I am too young to remember Pride in its original glory, apart from my drunken teenage years, when anything would do, it has never quite hit the spot for me. Many say Pride died a long time ago, and I think they’re right. (More…)